Thursday, December 19, 2019

Christmas Challenge Blogmas Day 19: Can I get a resolution>

When it comes to resolutions, I've learned not making one is the way to go, whether it be a New Years' resolution or an Advent resolution. It seems to be the same old song and game every year, I write a list of resolutions, and I eventually slip-slide until I don't follow through at all. It's the same with most people right?

I did, however, make a winter bucket list. I don't want it confused with resolutions, because unlike resolutions, which are new things I want to start doing, like losing weight, spending more time with family, or eating healthier, my bucket list, is a list that mentions things I would like to do this season.

I can't wait until there's enough snow to do some of the items on my bucket list. Just building a snowman on the computer doesn't do it for me. I want to feel the cold snow in my hands, I want to go outside I want to have fun. I didn't spend my childhood creating snowmen online.

So, the easy answer to the question in the challenge would be no. I don't have any advent resolutions, nor will I have any. The more complex answer would be, I rather do my bucket list, at least I don't have to feel bad that  I didn't get around to doing a certain task.

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