Saturday, December 7, 2019

Christmas Challenge Blogmas Day 7: Let's make it hot cocoa!

If I had to pick between eggnog or hot cocoa, it shouldn't come as a surprise what I would choose. I actually talked about this yesterday during my challenge.

My drink of choice during Christmas and all year long would be hot cocoa. I love hot cocoa. If I could live my whole life drinking hot cocoa I would. It's been one of my favorite comfort foods and drinks for a while now.

The days my thyroid nodules are swollen and I'm afraid to eat, I grab myself hot cocoa to soothe my throat before trying to eat. It makes eating a lot easier for me. So yeah, in a way hot cocoa is helping me along the way.

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For a long time growing up, I didn't catch on to the hot cocoa or tea thing. I didn't know what the big fascination was and hated the thought of warm drinks. But as time went on, I've started to realize, I love hot cocoa and tea. If only I tried the tea and hot cocoas I have now, years ago, I'm sure I would have fallen in love with tea and cocoa a lot later in life.

So what's the best way to have hot cocoa, in my opinion? I love Dandie's Marshmallows, they're gluten-free and vegan, and a little bit of cinnamon. When it comes to milk vs water when heating, I prefer water first, I'm sure trying some vanilla almond milk in my hot cocoa may be good, but I have yet to try it and because I can't have regular milk, being lactose-intolerant, the only way I prefer to have my cocoa is with water.

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