Friday, December 13, 2019

Christmas Challenge Blogmas Day 12: Share a little kindness, and receive happiness back

To be Santa like we have to be kind. Imagine people not being Santa like around Christmas. I used to be confused about having a holiday spirit, but I tried to remember that Santa would want us to treat everyone well. Even if treating someone well, means that we're doing something little to a person when we're out and about. We need to remember little acts of kindness all year long. There's nothing to it really.

Today, I didn't do anything major, I only went to the store. I usually stay to myself in the stores, so just being a little more social is all that I needed to do. Being kind to someone is all that it took, and it was one of the little things that made me feel a lot better about having a holiday spirit.
person holding red and white practice kindness sticker
What I did wans't anything crazy, all I did was offer a woman my cart when I was done with it. She asked for it but seemed so grateful that I handed it to her. I didn't need to do much to put a smile on a stranger's face. Even little steps make Christmas worth the while, it doesn't need to be anything crazy. It doesn't even need to be anything that would make a huge change in someone's life. It's the Little thing's that remind me that Christmas is afoot.

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