Sunday, November 25, 2018

5 Questions about about Migraines that you're afraid to ask

With my head held high, I went to the store today and ended up with a migraine. A day before, I was fine and was a migraine free, but my hopes of being migraine free were shattered. Migraine pain is one of the worst pains I wouldn't wish a migraine on my own worst enemy. They're really that bad. But one thing I can't stand are people who pass judgment on someone with a migraine (or any illness), especially if they haven't been there.

1. How often do your migraines happen?
I really don't mind answering the question, it's better than someone giving the common response, "You always have a headache." In my case, my migraines happen maybe once or twice a week. Other's have migraines almost constantly, while some people have one out of the blue. There are medications that can help to minimize the occurrence of migraines, but as of right now I can't find one that actually works for me.

2. What does a migraine feel like?
Explaining a migraine to someone who doesn't get one is tough. But if I had to give an analogy, I'd compare it to the feeling of falling off a bed and bumping your head really hard on a dresser. But it's not the pain that bothers me the most. The symptoms that I have are very debilitating,  I can get dizzy, light headed, vomit, my speech can become slurred and it can even cause me to have problems with my hearing.

3. Is it true that your senses can go into overdrive before a migraine?
Unfortunately, yes they can. Before a migraine people sometimes lights can be stronger than they were before, we smell things they normally don't smell (and can even have phantom smells),  and sounds can be magnified. I know that might sound like the complete opposite than what I just answered about having problems with my hearing. In my case particular, right before a migraine during the 'aura' phase I can hear almost everything, but once a migraine hits, then I have trouble hearing.

4. What exactly does the hospital do for a migraine?
It depends on your hospital. The one I have close will first tell you that you're wasting their time for a migraine and make you feel bad about even coming in. They'll assume you're a drug addict and ignore you and will refuse to treat you even if you prove yourself differently. But if you're lucky enough to be given anything they usually give you what they call a migraine cocktail, it's usually a Benadryl, a Triptan, Something for pain (Toradol or if you're lucky a Tramadol), and an antinausea medication. Most of the time the same thing that someone who has chronic migraines usually has.

5. Why haven't you gotten rid of your migraine?
This isn't one of those questions you actually ask someone. If you're thinking about asking it don't. But in case you're wanting to ask, not all medications work, sometimes it's because its the wrong combinations of medications, other times it's because nothing works.

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