Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Hold up those viral videos you're watching on YouTube may not be what you think

Who loves those YouTube hack videos? You know the ones I'm talking about the ones where people are doing amazing things. While you know at the back of your mind that none of what you just watched makes any sense. You know like using red cabbage to dye clothes. There are no instructions and they just magically dye clothes a deep purple. What gives right?

There is a little secret to these videos that their creators don't want you to know. A little secret that makes tons of sense after you step away from the videos. Most of what they have on their videos don't actually work. It's all for a 10-minute video of things that don't work and that has been repeated more times than anyone could count for their other videos.

I used The King Of Random's video with the plate to prove my point. It's probably the most viral of these hacks that I've seen. I don't know how many times I 've seen it posted on my Facebook, and it'd get me wondering how well adding tape and milk to my plate would fix the broken plate. I almost felt tempted to drop a plate and try the trick my self. But as you watch the video here, my idea of attempting to fix a broken plate would be one of the stupidest ideas that I've tried in my life. Good thing I didn't try it.

I'm okay with these hack videos except for two HUGE things...

I'm fine with people's freedom of expression, and people doing things for entertainment purposes, but they should explain that's what they're doing at the beginning of their videos. Some child is going to try doing one of these hacks for a science fair video and it's not going to work. Or there's going to be some adult assuming what they saw would work, when most of the time the hacks don't work at all. It should be clean-cut and written at the beginning of the end of the video that it doesn't work.

The creators of these videos need to find a different audience. There was once a hack video geared towards children that explained that if you put strawberries in bleach it would turn them white and then you can eat them. Kids shouldn't be the target audience ever.

As a parent, we need to watch what our kids are learning on YouTube and to make sure if they're watching one of these hack videos that they should not attempt to try any of the things they've seen. If you see something that is dangerous geared towards children such as one of these videos report it, please.

What I'm trying to say is to be careful about what YouTube videos you're watching and to take what is happening at face value. I'm sure some of the stuff done in the videos can happen, but most can't. Do your research before attempting anything you see on YouTube

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