Sunday, February 3, 2019

7 reasons why music is exactly what the doctor ordered

Dr. Ed Hope and Dr. Ali Abdaal, played the acoustic cover of one of my favorite songs in December and I had no clue! Their voices are so amazing and their musical talent, made me think twice about my health. But I don't realize is that music and health go hand in hand more than we even realize. It's not like I needed reasons to why music is good for my health to listen to it, but it's great to know music has my back.

1. It can improve our quality of sleep: Ever hear of the parasympathetic nervous system? That's the part of the nervous system that deals with sleep. Listening to 45 minutes of relaxing music can help people fall asleep faster and sleep longer! Who actually likes having sleep troubles anyway?

2. Music improves our verbal skills: My fellow writers, guess what? Music can help with your verbal IQ and help with your cognition? I wonder what would happen if I combine music and writing together? There's no harm in finding out! It's two of my favorite things together, music and writing.

3. Music helps you eat less: If I knew that music can make me less hungry I would have listened to music everytime I ate. Now that I know it does help music and a meal are going to go together like peanut butter and jelly. Even if it is sitting alone eating my breakfast with jazz music. It's because music helps you relax and when you relax you're not as hungry.

4. It helps relieve chronic pain: There's a link between less pain with fibromyalgia when it comes to music! Scientists think that music can help redirect our attention from pain to something we love such as music. Even when the music has stopped the pain relief is still going.

5. Music cheers you up: I don't need any link to prove that music cheers people up. We already know that! I know some people may beg to differ that a sad song that someone can relate to breeds sadness. I think it's the other way around when I know someone else feels the same way I do. I know I'm not alone, and I'll get through it.

6. Music can improve your immune system: Everytime I'm at the store, I hear a person next to me sniffling and sneezing, and I'm hoping I'm not next. But maybe listening to some music to increase my little antibodies, and make them dance to the music while combating the latest illness going around can help! Dance you little antibodies, dance! There's even a story about how aestheticists played music, during an operation and people's stress hormones were lower! See, Dr. Hope and Dr. Abdaal are lowering my immune system with their music!

7. Music reduces anxiety: Music can reduce anxiety by 65%! I'm never nervous or anxious when I hear a good beat. What's even crazier is that there's a song that they claim can make you drowsy! It's called Weightless by Marconi Union. I even listened to it while writing this blog! It's a beautiful song and it really did make me feel more relaxed!

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