Thursday, January 23, 2020

Tag Thursday: A little bit about Panda Lucy the Sphynx

You know what’s difficult working with a cat blogger? They always come up with the strangest ideas. I allowed my cat to chose what I was going to do this beautiful Tag Thursday. Since I’ve already wrote a bit about today, she suggested doing a tag based on cats this week. I told her there was no way that I’d do something that silly, instead we found a middle ground, I went to Blogthings and found all the cat-related personality tests that there happens to be and here I am channeling my inner cat.

You Are Domesticated

You are a master of logic and reasoning. Emotions don't color your decisions.
You are deliberate and slow to act. You have the same impulses as everyone else; you're just better at ignoring them.

You have some loner tendencies - and you're totally okay with that. You like to do your own thing.
My comments: I'm not logical or show much reasoning, but I have loner tendencies. I'm one of those people who feel happier I'm doing my own thing. Like your domestic house cat, and a lot like my best friend Freya, I can be friendly and will befriend anyone, as long as they're nice, but I don't like to be bothered or bother people unless it's important and I need something. 

You Are: 10% Dog, 90% Cat

You are are almost exactly like a cat.
You're intelligent, independent, and set on getting your way.
And there's no way you're going to fetch a paper for anyone!
My comments: I can't say I'm surprised, because I'm not. I tried asking Freya her opinion before I took the quiz, she told me she didn't see much doggy in me. I won't do tricks for anyone, unless I have a reason to. Freya plays fetch though, so she told me she's not sure where they got the idea that cat's not going to fetch a paper for someone.

What's Your Cat Name?

Your Cat Name Is: Panda Lucy

I wish I could write as mysterious as a cat.

Comments: I normally wouldn't do the whole generator thing, but I found it interesting that my name would be Panda Lucy, and the caption says that I would like to write as mysterious as a cat. I am allowing my intelligent little Freya help me type this blog out, and she does write mysteriously.

What Domesticated Animal Are You?

You Are a Rabbit

You are a shy one, and very few people know the real you. You spend most of your time in your inner world.
You have a deep creative spirit, and you are very naturally artistic. You perceive the harmony and beauty in everything.
You are not as meek as you seem, and you have an inner bravery that others can't touch. You step through fear without any problem.
You live by your own wits, and you have a lot of fun doing it. You are a joyful creature and constantly in motion.
Comment: As much as I thought that I was a cat through and through, results to this quiz make a ton of sense. I like finding beauty in the world but I'm so quiet, that nobody knows the real me. It takes a lot to let people into my world, and it takes forever for me do get over my quietness. While I dislike being so shy and quiet, it doesn't bother me as much as it used to.

What Breed of Cat Are You?

You Are a Sphynx Cat

Some say you're part monkey, part dog, part child, and part cat.
You're unique and mysterious enough to seem a little otherworldly.
You're so hyper active that you almost literally climb the walls.

You are also devoted and loyal. But you demand a lot of attention in return.
Comment: Because I'm a puppy, monkey, baby there's no shame in my game. Sphynx cats are one of my favorite cat breeds.  I'm not always hyperactive, despite what my brother has said about me. I'm pretty calm and would rather sleep than act all hyperactive.

Do You React Like a Cat or a Dog?

You React Like a Cat

You are introverted and mysterious. People are curious about what makes you tick.
You trust your intuition. So far it has a good track record of not leading you astray.
You have an amazing amount of strength. You refuse to let stress bother you.
You don't mind if the world doesn't understand you. No one is going to harsh your mellow!
My comment: As I thought, I am a house cat. I'm introverted mysterious and I could care less about what's going on around me. There's not a day that goes by that people wonder what makes me tick because I'm not one to talk about what goes on in my mind! Oh, and aww, I am a cute little ball of fluffiness.

To my favorite little fluffy butted friend, I can see why we have such a close bond. You think I'm one of you as much as these quizzes think that I'm one of you, more specifically a sphynx known as Panda Lucy. I may behave like a rabbit sometimes, but it doesn't mean that I am a rabbit, I am a house cat. Thanks for the suggestion Freya!

Question to my readers: For those of you who played along, were there any results that where spot on? Or were they not even close? 

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