Friday, July 5, 2019

Friday Favorite 5: My 5 favorite Snacklebox ideas

I've been trying to figure out what on earth I'm going to do for a snacklebox, and I've been trying to figure out what tastes the best and what I'd actually include. When I thought about it, I never thought I'd have so many interesting contenders and very little room. It's why I haven't posted a box yet, I wanted the perfect box with the perfect number of compartments and the perfect number of snacks for the week. But I have found 5 contenders that I know must be included in my box. 

5. Panda Bear Puffs:
I don't care how childish it seems but even at 32, and an adult, I love eating cereal right out of the box. Peanut Butter Panda Puffs are great. The box says everything I need for it to say, "No artificial flavors, colors or preservatives" They're even non-GMO and gluten-free! So I know all I'm getting is yummy peanut butter puffs, even if it is in an adult's tacklebox. 

4. Oat Peanut Chocolate Chip Whenever Bars: I actually went to the store that day to find something that I could eat when I'm going through one of my, "I'm not hungry but I need to eat something to take my medicine." Type of moods. That's when I found the "Whenever Bars By Pamela's Products" in the gluten-free section of the store. And when I saw the bar, I was thinking about all of my other options. They looked better than a "Whenever Bar." But I figured it had all of the stuff I love oat,s peanut butter, and chocolate chips. Yeah, as you would guess it, I loved the bars. If I put one of these bars in my box for the week, I know it's going to be a great week!

3. Homemade peanut butter cookies
My weakness, peanut butter cookies, especially peanut butter cookies that are hot right off the cookie sheet. Nobody can stop the taste of homemade right out of the oven cookies. The best part is knowing that my cookies are both vegan and gluten-free! Because I had my hand in the cookie making process!

2. Vive Cookie Bites
Of course I had to include Vive's Cookie Bites on my favorite foods for my snacklebox. They're so addicting, and they taste so good. I really could turn a snacklebox into just a Vive Cookie box, but I need a little bit of variety don't I?

1. Homemade Blueberry Muffins
The day I asked my husband to help make blueberry muffins was probably one of the coolest days ever. Warm, homemade blueberry muffins. There are no magical ingredients to get me hooked unless blueberries are magical. Are they? They could be. If I wanted to make these fit into a snackle box, I'm going to have to invest in mini cupcake tins, just so I can enjoy muffins and enjoy eating gluten-free and healthy.

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