Monday, July 8, 2019

If you wait too long, you'll miss the sun rise

It's time for a deep thoughtful post. I really need to do more deep reflection posts. They're therapeutic for me and hopefully therapeutic for others.

I don't know if it's dog days of summer, my new medication, or something else, I've just felt so unmotivated. So tired. You know one of those blah moods that you have no reason for having. It's how I've felt the past few weeks.

That was until today. Today I was reminded that I haven't done my gratitude journal entry for today. The question that turned my day around was, "Have I missed any chances to show gratitude today?" And it all made sense that we don't always get the opportunity to show we're grateful for what we have.

I'm thinking about all the changes I had today. Chances that I could tell someone or remind myself I'm grateful. For instance, as much as I love my pets. I never been more grateful that they've shown me, love. Freya's sitting on my wrist as I write this post. I'm grateful that she doesn't judge me for my past, my present or my future, all she cares about is getting a pet and getting fed.

Because life is all about chances, I don't want to miss this chance again. I'm grateful for picking up a book to get me to feel more grateful about things. I stopped my daily gratitude journal for a while, but now I see how much I need it. I don't want to miss my chance to be happy.

For those of you who are stuck in a rut like I am taking time out of your day, it doesn't have to be more than five minutes. Reflect on what you're grateful for, and what you can do to remind yourself about being grateful. This is your life, don't miss the chance. Because if you wait too long, you'll miss the sunrise.

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