Friday, May 10, 2019

Friday 5: Gratitude Edition, sort of

Image result for “Everyday Gratitude: A Guided Journal”
On Wednesday, I was at Barnes & Noble when a book caught my eye. It was in the “Exceptional Value” section, and it begged me to buy it. The book was “Every Day Gratitude: A Guided Journal” by Jennifer Leight. It has inspirational quotes by famous celebrities and questions and writing prompts to help you appreciate the world around us.

Instead of using this book as a guided journal, and writing in the pages, I’m keeping this book unmarked for times when I’m going through a panic or anxiety attack, to sidetrack me and hopefully allow myself to see all of the amazing things that are in my life.

I picked five exercises that I want to practice every day for a week, on my own of course to see if possibly it helps with my panic and anxiety. If it doesn’t work, I’m just happy for learning to see gratitude in a different light than I already have.

1. What areas of your life could you let your heart lead a little more?
Reflecting on times when I should have let my heart out, will hopefully remind me the next day. I don’t mean to put my heart on the back burner, it can lead more. I need to let it lead.

2. How will you live out your gratitude today?
Every morning, life starts over new. With every new day, is a new shot at gratitude, with a new day, I should think about how I should live out my gratitude every day. I need to pick something and follow through with it. It doesn’t have to be anything major, just the little things to remember to show my gratitude.

3. Have I missed any chances to show gratitude today?
Just because I’m feeling gratitude lately, doesn’t mean that other’s are. Wouldn’t it be nice to know that someone shows you their gratitude I think gratitude may very well be contagious. It can change someone’s day for the better.

4. What problems are burdening me?
Talking about my problems doesn’t really sound like gratitude, but in all honesty, it is. Getting rid of these problems, and writing them down, cleans the slate, and causes me to restart anew. I can write down these problems and delete them and/or throw them away, and it’ll all be over.

5. What songs, poems or verses isnpire graitutde in you?
I don’t need to hear a song or read a poem every day to remember it inspires gratitude, but having a list is a great idea! Every day this week during this week of gratitude I’m going to write this list, and by next Friday, I can actually share this activity with everyone, for my Favorite 5 Friday’s. Just so everyone else can write their own list, or find some inspiration in my list.

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