Sunday, June 30, 2019

Please Welcome Alec to the Family

Freya and Monkey now have a new "friend" his name is Alec, Alec followed the hubby from work last night, and I'm trying to find his owner. If nobody claims him. he will be our newest addition to our family. With that said I had the blog post over to Freya who wants to give her opinion and then maybe I'll give Alec and Monkey both time to speak on their behalf.

From Freya's mouth:

I can't believe it! A little half-pint followed human man home. I sat and hissed at him for a while then hid under the bed. I will not, I repeat will not share the house with another cat. I can hardly tolerate Monkey as it is. Now I have to share it with this cat that the human man says is his. Oh! And another thing, man human brings chicken bird home from work for me and monkey because they sometimes have some left over and human man the human girl both shared the bird with Monkey and Alec! How dare they! That's my bird.

Jen human has been talking to me telling me that I'm her number one girl and I'll always be her kitty. Alec isn't her kitty she says, she says he belongs to man human. I do find it funny that he may have to go to the place to get a nakey belly just like I did. But the girl human said boy cats aren't like girl cat's and they don't have to get a nakey belly they just remove stuff.

Girl human also says I'm not scared when I hiss, she says I'm cute. I'm not trying to be cute Jenny, I want to let the new guy know I'm the boss, I will be the boss, and he's going to have to get in line. This is my Jenny and that's how it is. She can not share with Alec or Monkey ever!

Monkey's opinion of Alec:

I'm old and I really don't care what these young cats are fighting about. I try to keep my distance from the new orange one all he does is hiss and act like this is his place. I've been here 14 years and I know who's place it really is. Mine! I have yet to push the new guy over for cleanings or have yet to share a bowl with him, but I don't want to rush being friends with such a little scrawny, skinny bag of bones. I'm king. I am king!

A word from the new guy, Alec:

Meow! I'm Alec, the humans keep switching my name around first I was Bastet, but the human man said it was too girlish, then he called me Constantine, but realized people couldn't spell that either. So he's now calling me Alec. Alec is from some TV show he likes and said it's easier to spell.

I don't know what happened to my old family if I don't find them. They're keeping me here! I like that idea. They have two other kitties, a funny looking brown one, and a tortishell. I'm told the tortishell is the girl humans best friend. I'm fine with that. I understand humans and cats pick their people. I picked the man human. He smelt like chicken and good food, and I asked him, "Can I come in it's hot outside, plus I love the smell of whatever you're carrying home.

The humans say I'm going to have something removed from my butt! Ouchies! I hope it's not my tail. I have a pretty cool tail.

The girl human says maybe Freya and I can start our own little blog posts together once we become friend's it'll be the Alec and Freya hour. Monkey's not much of a blogger and doesn't like to blog. But I'm young and full of ideas! Be prepared people! Alec the blogger cat is reporting for duty.

And again please note I am not crazy and I'm, aware that cats can talk or type but it's fun to write a blog post in their point of view sometimes.

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