Friday, February 7, 2020

Top 5 Favorite 5: My Top 5 Suggest to work around Facebook Blog Blocking

It was a few months ago, I talked about Facebook blocking my blog, I've learned that I'm not the only one having this issue and that it's becoming very common for Facebook and Instagram both to block anything that has Wordpress or Blogspot in the link address, they'll even go to the point of not allowing shorted url links. There are however a few tricks that I've been working with that may help everyone else affected by the blogging ban. 

From what I've been reading it's because people like using Blogspot, and Wordpress as a place to Spam on social media. Even if you're not doing anything wrong, your blog will eventually be subject to being blocked on social media.

Needless to say that the thought about changing my blog link or starting a new blog isn't going to help at all. I had to figure something else out. Before I start, forget about contacting Facebook or Instagram, the more I read on the topic the more I see that this isn't really an option and there's still no resolution for any of the bloggers! 

1. Share via-twitter
The one site that has yet to block anyone's links has been Twitter. If you haven't signed up for Twitter yet, I suggest you do that. Once you sign up for Twitter, you can actually share your twitter post on Instagram, Facebook or anywhere else you've been blocked. Just remember to post in your Facebook or Instagram link to check out your Twitter link for more information

2. Add your webpage to photos and graphics
It's another reason why I have suggested when you ask questions to turn it into a graphic as well, all of my graphics have a link to my page, so that people may actually type in the link to look at my blog post. 

space gray iPhone 6 with Facebook log-in display near Social Media scrabble tiles

3. Typing the link differently or just writing down your blog name
The suggestion given by my hubby is another great workaround if you're having issues with Facebook and Instagram. If Facebook and Instagram are blocking any address with Blogspot or Wordpress. Change the link a little bit, add space in the word Blogspot or Word Press add a space between the dots, and get creative. For instance AmethystMoonbeams . blog spot . com may be a plan. If you don't want to do that, there's actually another suggestion, just let people know to check out your Blogspot blog and give them the name of your URL. Just typing in the name in on google or adding the Blogspot or Wordpress plus the name of the blog on Google will bring up the name of the blog you're looking for. 

4. Get a custom domain
By the end of this month, I will have hopefully found the best custom domain and domain host for my page. I don't what host I want to go with yet and really want to research them. But this is going to be one of my goals to blogging this yeat.

think outside the box

5. Check out alternative social media platforms
Last but not least, find some alternative platforms. Learn what other platforms are out there. I plan on making a whole new list of social media platforms to use eventually so stay tuned! Just because it's the end of the road with Facebook doesn't mean that it's the end of the road there are more places to investigate!

1 comment:

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