Saturday, February 23, 2019

What kind of nugget are you? Take this quiz and find out!

What do nuggets, Adam Driver and The Grammy's have in common? It's not really a riddle as much as it was one of those internet personality quizzes given by Smiley360. You know Smiley the place I mentioned before that sometimes sends you free things to post about? Yeah, they also have personality quizzes sometimes, just so you can gain some points.

So What Kind of Nugget Was I? 

Apparently, I'm a KFC Popcorn Nugget, just like Rami Malek, a burst of flavor and energy. I don't know about you, but being told that I'm a Popcorn Nugget from KFC, doesn't make me feel too good. Is a popcorn nugget actually a nugget? They're small and bite-sized. Wait--I'm small and possibly bite-sized. But there's no way that. Smiley would have even had known that I was small and bite-sized unless they've been paying attention to everything I post, I'm joking of course. 

Other Fun Quizzes and Activities from Smiley and it's sister sites?

Now that you're on the roll and you know that you're a nugget as well or if you're a Smiley member and didn't take the quiz already, it should be on your dashboard. Remember more points=more opportunities to be approved for missions. Here are some more quick and easy activities, if you haven't gotten to them yet. Please take note that I may get offers that you don't have or visa-versa.

  • Climate Change Quiz by Generation Good: What exactly do you know about climate change? I actually learned a lot when I took the quiz. According to the quiz, "Research done by the CDC reveals that changes in our climate, such as air pollution and extreme heat, are having some concerning effects on our health." that to me is pretty scary. With the quiz, you don't have to share any, you just get your points.
  • The Commitment to Clean Energy Grows from Generation Good: The Sierra Club has made Cottonwood Utah, the 100th city to switch to 100% renewable energy! That's nuts! Share that news with your friends! Maybe, they too can jump on the bandwagon. 
  • Protect your Skin the winter with All: Now your skin can be happy healthy and protected with all. I left this task last as there's tons of stuff that you can do for your missions.
Hopefully, this list kept my midwesterners busy why the wind, rain and cold are forcing us to stay at home. I really hope that those of you that took the Grammy's quiz aren't risking your lives just so you can get a nugget who's just like, you! 

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