Sunday, December 1, 2019

Blogmas Christmas Challenge Day 1: Traditionally Speaking

December/Christmas blogging challenge
If I could pick out one tradition from my childhood to be my favorite Christmas tradition, it's a toss-up between Raffi or reading books to my siblings on Christmas night just to pass the time. I can't pick just one memory so I'll talk about both of them.

My first memory would be turning on Raffi with my sister and listening to Raffi's Christmas nonstop. It might sound crazy, but I can remember every single song on the CD and the order they were in. 

Raffi has always been one of my goto children's musicians. I used to idolize him when I was younger and always wanted to meet him. Even when it wasn't Christmas, I was known to put his Christmas CD just because it relaxed me. 

I don't even remember how the CD ended up in our music collection as a kid, I don't think I'll ever know where it came from, all I can remember is the memories. The memories of being a small child and listening to Raffi. We fish you a hairy Chris Moose and a hippo New Year.

My other favorite memory when I was younger was finding all the Christmas books that I had, taking them off the bookshelf and reading every single one of them on Christmas night with my sister because she couldn't sleep. I'd read to her until my throat hurt, or until my mom got up so we could open up presents.

I hope never to pass the not being able to sleep on Christmas, tradition with my children, but I would really love to introduce them to Raffi, so that they can enjoy his music as much as I did as a child. I don't know where my childhood would be without Raffi's Christmas Album.

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